Watershed structures to be probed

Watershed structures to be probed

CONGRESSMEN on Monday filed a resolution seeking to investigate the construction of what they deem illegal structures and quarrying operations in the Upper Marikina Watershed.

These could have contributed to severe flooding from Super Typhoon Carina last month, they said.

Party-list Reps. Arlene D. Brosas, France L. Castro and Raoul Danniel A. Manuel filed House Resolution No. 1908 after a House of Representatives hearing last week found that about 500 illegal structures had been built in the protected areas of the watershed.

“The rampant deforestation and illegal activities in the Upper Marikina Watershed have reached an alarming state, leading to worse flooding, putting lives at risk,” Ms. Brosas said in a statement in Filipino.

About 31,000 Filipinos were evacuated in Marikina City alone, surpassing the number of evacuees during Typhoon Ondoy in 2009 by 2,000, according to the resolution. — Kenneth Christiane L. Basilio