878 applicants take the 2024 Shari’ah Bar Exams

878 applicants take the 2024 Shari’ah Bar Exams

THE 2024 Shari’ah Bar Exams logged the biggest number of examinees since 1983 at 855 during the two testing dates on April 28 and May 2 at the University of the Philippines-Diliman in Quezon City and Ateneo de Davao University in Mindanao.

“Under the visionary leadership of Chief Justice Alexander G. Gesmundo, the Supreme Court has been paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible Judiciary,” Supreme Court Associate Justice Maria Filomena D. Singh told a press conference at UP-Diliman on Thursday.

“This year’s Shari’ah Bar Examinations is a testament to that commitment,” she added.

The exams consisted of four subjects: Jurisprudence (Figh) and customary laws (Adat) / persons, family relations, property/succession, wills, adjudication, and settlement of estates / and procedures in the Shari’ah Courts, said Ms. Singh, who chaired this year’s Shari’ah Bar Exams. — Chloe Mari A. Hufana