CHED tells state universities: Decide now on whether to keep senior high programs

CHED tells state universities: Decide now on whether to keep senior high programs

By Jomel R. Paguian

THE COMMISSION on Higher Education (CHED) said on Monday that it is up to government-funded universities and colleges to decide whether or not they would continue offering senior high school (SHS) programs.

In a press briefing, CHED Chairman Prospero E. De Vera, III still made it clear that state universities and colleges (SUCs) and local universities and colleges (LUCs) are no longer required to offer the program under the law.

However, Mr. De Vera said the boards of regents of SUCs and LUCs could decide on retaining their respective SHS programs; but in doing so, they should decide immediately on their plans.

Asked by reporters when they should finalize their decisions, the CHED chair replied: “They should take this up and discuss this immediately so that we will know the situation on the ground, and we will know the options available and possible.”

Mr. De Vera said that when deciding to continue SHS programs, public universities should assess the capability of Department of Education (DepEd) schools in their areas to deliver the additional two years of high school education.

SUCs and LUCs may consider extending their SHS programs if they deem it necessary to meet the demand in some areas.

“If there is capacity in regular (DepEd) high schools, that’s where students should go. Because the SUCs also need the facilities for their own students because their enrollment has also increased tremendously,” said Mr. De Vera.

“There is no one-size-fits-all decision on this because the SUCs are differently located, they have different capacities, and they have different facilities. That is why it is the SUCs who should look into this,” he added.

In a memorandum issued last month, the CHED reminded public universities to terminate their SHS programs, which were initially intended to be offered only during the K-12 transition period which was from school years 2016-2017 to 2020-2021.