Consumers group provides platform to air electricity woes in provinces

Consumers group provides platform to air electricity woes in provinces

A NEWLY launched energy consumer group ILAW seeks to bridge the gap on the calls of provinces for electricity needs to local government agencies.

“We’re doing testimonial gatherings from the ground as a grassroot organization and we’re mobilizing people, local chapters of ILAW to [learn] their situation and from there maybe forward it to established partnerships with government agencies and government stakeholders,” ILAW youth national convenor Francine Pradez said at an event launch on Wednesday.

Ms. Pradez said that it has a “grassroots” chapter in Davao and is looking into expanding in Visayas and other parts of Mindanao, as well as tying up with the Palawan Consumer Coalition.

“We’re looking to cement further, have local chapters so that from there, there would be representatives from the provinces about the status of their communities, as well as to have local initiatives geared towards consumer awareness,” she said partly in Filipino.

The youth convenor said that the group seeks to focus first on building partnerships and alliances and to engage private organizations and entities on focus group discussions to hear out the side of the consumers.

“ILAW wants to be a platform so that our consumers can have voices…to promote change that they aspire for the Philippines and to be a brave and safe space to encourage other Filipinos to thrive for fair and affordable electricity service,” Ms. Pradez said. — Sheldeen Joy Talavera