Energy developers form group to pool expertise in offshore wind operations

Energy developers form group to pool expertise in offshore wind operations

AN ASSOCIATION has been formed by energy developers to pool expertise and technical resources in offshore wind power, with the goal of accelerating the Philippines’ clean-energy transition.

On Wednesday, Pilipinas Offshore Wind Energy Resource, Inc. (POWER) was launched by energy companies ACEN Corp., The Blue Circle, BlueFloat Energy, Citicore Renewable Energy Corp., Ignis ZA Global, and Marubeni Asian Power Philippines Corp.

“The primary aim is to collaborate. It’s a group of developers with wind energy service contracts (WESCs). Having said that, these are developers that are supposed to design, develop, build, operate, and maintain” wind projects, POWER President and BlueFloat Energy Philippines Country Manager Raymund M. Pascual told reporters during the launch in Taguig City.

“We have our own common concerns, common issues, and of course, common interests,” he added.

Asked if the members might form a consortium, he said: “Anything is possible at this point, also because of the very nature of projects — (which are in the) gigawatts.”

According to Mr. Pascual, the members of POWER have projects with a combined capacity of up to 60 gigawatts (GW).

To date, the Department of Energy has awarded a total of 82 offshore wind projects with potential capacity of 63.359 GW.

These projects are located north of Luzon, west of Metro Manila, north and south of Mindoro, Panay, and the Guimaras Strait. All these WESCs are currently in the pre-development stage, undergoing resource, site sustainability, and project viability studies.

Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla said that developing offshore wind will require the support of local government units as “there are local issues that we have to contend with.”

“We need to be working together with not only the National Government… in the case of offshore wind, we would need to work with local government units as well,” he said.

Mr. Pascual said the association is open to other WESC holders.

“With the support from offshore wind energy actors, POWER can accelerate offshore wind development over the next decade by providing technical assistance and advisory (services) to various government agencies; coalition-building and advocacy other stakeholders critical for a successful transition to renewable energy,” POWER said in a statement. — Sheldeen Joy Talavera