Lean hiring

Lean hiring

I read your article on the shortlisting of the top three job applicants. Does it apply only to management jobs or all kinds of jobs? What’s the best procedure? — Wind Blown

Creating a shortlist of candidates is not easy or simple. It’s not about identifying the top three candidates and going through another vetting round. It’s more than that. First and foremost, you must come up with a game plan for hiring the best possible candidates for the job in the shortest possible time.

The key is process improvement. That’s the reason why I’ve been promoting the application of kaizen to everything we do, including all support functions like human resources (HR), marketing, accounting, and many more.

Kaizen and lean thinking are two important management principles that should not be monopolized by manufacturing. One such solution is lean hiring.

Lean hiring is the proactive search for recurring issues and eliminating all non-value-adding things to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of services to employees and job applicants. It’s a holistic approach. Think of how each work step is performed. Understand the logic of each work step. Then eliminate the steps with no value.

This applies to all positions, regardless of rank, with certain exceptions for executive posts that are difficult to fill.

An ideal recruitment plan includes a policy and procedure that will help HR do its job in searching, vetting, choosing, and onboarding to ensure that a candidate becomes suited, motivated, and dedicated to the organization. However, such a plan must be well-studied to ensure that every work step is efficient and effective. Consider the following points:

One, define the job and ideal candidate’s attributes. This means preparing the job description, its performance standards, and the qualifications of the person who will be assigned to perform it. It also includes the pay grade, job title, and responsibilities.

Two, hire people from within the organization. A promotion from within policy is the most effective and efficient way to fill a vacancy. Applicants can also be sourced from affiliates and sub-contractors. Preference should be given to internal candidates, who are easier, faster, and more cost-efficient to onboard compared with external candidates.

Three, announce the vacancy to attract external candidates. You can only do this if there are no qualified internal applicants or if they are not interested. This happens when a certain job requires certain mental and physical attributes, like having an extrovert personality, energy, and persuasiveness for a sales position.

Four, choose the right media announcement channel. Today, the fastest and most cost-efficient way to advertise vacancies is through social media. For executive, confidential, and highly-sensitive management positions, the search may be done with the help of headhunters, and print advertising in business papers, if not by word of mouth.

Five, manage the applicant responses. If you’re expecting a large volume of applicants, it is best to state the salary range and insert a footnote in the ad stating that only qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview. Don’t accept walk-in applicants as they can wreak havoc on your schedule.

Six, use a hybrid interview process. All curriculum vitae (CV) must be sent via the HR’s e-mail address. There’s no need for applicants to submit other documents. Do a paper review of the CVs. Then, conduct an online interview for those who pass the review. Next, schedule those with the highest chance of being selected for in-person interviews.

Seven, prepare a shortlist of the top three candidates. Inform the candidates that they are on the shortlist without informing them of their “podium” standing. This is the time to request soft copies of documents like transcripts, diplomas, employment certificates, government licenses, and training certificates, among others.

Eight, choose the number one candidate. Invite the candidate to visit your office to personally fill the company’s application for employment, which should include their consent to your conducting a background verification, subject to compliance with data privacy laws. Maximize the time by explaining the job offer and preparing the person for the onboarding process.

Nine, get the candidate to sign the contract. This includes the starting pay and benefit package, the start date, and tenure of the contract, whether it is for a fixed, project employment or regular position that may require passing a probationary period. It could also mention the possible pay increase should the candidate pass probation.

Lean hiring is a key strategic activity that can spell the difference between the success and failure of an organization. The idea is to hire the best people in the shortest possible time using a robust system that eliminates repetitive and wasteful procedures.


Bring Rey Elbo’s Kaizen Blitz Workshop to your organization and solve problems with tried and tested low-cost solutions under local context. Contact him on Facebook, LinkedIn, X, or e-mail elbonomics@gmail.com or via https://reyelbo.com.