Marcos government has P2.42 trillion worth of PPP projects in pipeline

Marcos government has P2.42 trillion worth of PPP projects in pipeline

THE GOVERNMENT of Philippine President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. has 117 public-private partnership (PPP) projects in the pipeline worth P2.42 trillion, according to the PPP Center, in a boost to his Build Better More infrastructure campaign.

Out of the total, 55 are related to transportation such as airports, rails and port terminals. Twenty-one cover property development and 14 are for road projects, PPP Center Executive Director Cynthia C. Hernandez said at a forum on Monday.

“We have the bulk of the projects in the transportation sector because we are doing a lot of catching up,” she said. “We have also been slowly building up our pipeline in other priority sectors, such as solid waste management, health, water and information and communication technologies.”

Congress has allotted P1.5 trillion for the Marcos government’s Build Better More program this year, with most going to seaports, airports and mass transport projects. The state, which is prioritizing infrastructure development, seeks to spend 5-6% of economic output on infrastructure yearly.

The government has approved 198 flagship infrastructure projects worth about P8.78 trillion. Infrastructure spending in January to November rose by 18.5% to P1.02 trillion, according to data from the Budget department.

The government expects to approve 15 projects this year, Ms. Hernandez said. “These are solicited [projects] that we are actively developing with implementing agencies.”

These include the Metro Manila Subway, North-South Commuter Railway, San Ramon Newport, University of the Philippines General Hospital in Diliman, Quezon City, the hemodialysis center of the Cagayan Valley Medical Center and the EDSA Busway project.

“There are also some unsolicited PPP projects,” Ms. Hernandez said. “In the past few months, we’ve been receiving a lot of unsolicited proposals, and these are also part of what we expect to be approved in 2024.”

Unsolicited proposals in the pipeline for approval this year include the rehabilitation, operation, maintenance and expansion of the Puerto Princesa International Airport and the Long-Term Water Source Development for Metro Manila project.

The PPP Center is seeking to approve 13 projects next year, including the New Cebu International Container Port, San Mateo Railway project and Laguna Lake Road Network.

“For 2025, we have these projects that are currently in the early stages of development,” Ms. Hernandez said. “The preliminary studies are expected to be completed. Once completed, they can be submitted by the implementing agencies for approval by 2025.”

The center expects more unsolicited proposals after the enactment of a new PPP Code.

Mr. Marcos in December signed a measure that seeks to create a unified legal framework for all public-private partnerships at the national and local levels. The law also enhances the framework for unsolicited proposals.

The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), PPP Center and other government agencies are working on the draft rules that will enforce the law.

NEDA will accept comments from stakeholders on the draft rules until March 8. The implementing rules will be presented for approval on March 18. — Luisa Maria Jacinta C. Jocson